Scientific Publications

International Scientific Articles

Mehmet Zor, Mümin Küçük, Sami Aksoy,”Residual stress effects on fracture energies of cement-bone and cement-implant interfaces“, Biomaterials (SCI), 23:77/1595-1601/2002. (2002)
S Toksavul, M Zor, M Toman, MA Güngör, I Nergiz, C Artunc,”Analysis of Dentinal Stress Distribution of Maxillary Central Incisors Subjected to Various Post-and-core Applications“, Operative Dentistry (SCI), 31/1/89­96/2006, (2006)
Mehmet Dalkız, Mehmet Zor, Halil Aykul, Mustafa Toparli, Sami Aksoy,”The three-dimensional finite element analysis of fixed bridge restoration supported by the combination of teeth and osseointegrated implants“, Implant Dentistry (SCI-Exp.), 11/3/293-300, (2002).
O. Culha, M. Zor, M. Ali Gungor, Y. Arman, M. Toparli, “Evaluating the bond strength of opaque material on porcelain fused to metal restorations (PFM) alloys by scratch test method” Materials & Design (SCI-Exp.), Volume 30, Issue 8, September 2009, Pages 3225-3228, (2009)
Mehmet Zor, Sami Aksoy,”Stress Analysis Around Dental Implant In Human Mandible“, Mathematical & Computational Applications (SCI-Exp.), 3/2/83-91/1998, (1998).
Yusuf Arman, Mehmet Zor, M.Ali Gungor, Ender Akan, Sami Aksoy, Elastic-plastic finite elements analysis of transient and residual stresses in ceramo-metal restorations” Journal of BiomechanicsVolume 42, Issue 13, Pages 2104-2110 (2009)
Ersin Eryigit, Mehmet Zor, Yusuf Arman,”Hole Effects on Lateral Buckling of Laminated Cantilever Beams“, Composites Part-B (SCI), Engineering, Volume 40, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 174-179, (2009)
Mehmet Zor,”Determination of Critical Width of Multiple Delamination in Laminated Composite Plate Under Buckling Load”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites (SCI-Exp.), Vol. 28, No. 3, 305-316 (2009)
Yusuf Arman, Mehmet Zor, Sami Aksoy,”Determination of Critical Delamination Diameter of Laminated Composite Plates under Buckling Load“, Composites Science and Technolog (SCI), 66/15/2945?2953 (2006).
Mehmet Zor, Mehmet Senel, Ulas Ersin Külekçi,”Computer-aided optimization of supporting rollers and their shafts“, ZKG International(SCI-Exp.), 1-2006(59)/63-71, (2006)
Mehmet Zor, Faruk Sen, M Evren Toygar,”An investigation of square delamination effects on the buckling behavior of laminated composite plates with a square hole by using three-dimensional FEM analysis“, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites(SCI-Exp.), 24/1119/1130/2005, (2005)
Mehmet Zor, Hasan Çallioglu, Hamit Akbulut,”Three-dimensional Buckling Analysis of Thermoplastic Composite Laminated Plates with Single Vertical or Horizontal Strip Delamination“, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials (SCI-Exp.), 17/557-568 (2004)
Mehmet Zor, Onur Sayman, Serdar Karaoðlu,”Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis of Simply Supported and Clambed Thermoplastic Composite Laminated Plates Loaded Transversely“, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites(SCI-Exp.), V:22, n:1,21-36, (2003)
Mehmet Zor,”Delamination Width Effect on Buckling Loads of Simply Supported Woven-Fabric Laminated Composite Plates Made of Carbon/Epoxy“, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites (SCI-Exp.), 22/17/1535­1546/2003, (2003)
O. Sayman, M.Zor,”An Analytical Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis in A Woven Steel Reinforced Thermoplastic Cantilever Beam Loaded Uniformly“, Composites Part-B (SCI), 31, 277-284 (2000),
Onur Sayman, Mehmet Zor,”Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis and Residual Stresses in a Thermoplastic Composite Cantilever Beam Loaded Uniformly“, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites (SCI-Exp.), Vol. 19, No.13 (2000),
Mehmet Zor, Hamit Akbulut, Onur Sayman, Sami Aksoy,”Elasto-Plastic Stress Analysis In Fibrous Metal-Matrix Composite Ring“, Modelling Measurement and Control-B(EI), 68/1,2/59-67, (1999).
Üçsular İ, Zor M, Sayman O, “Hole Diameter Effects on Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite Discs Possessing Distinct Fiber Arrays under Thermal Loading”, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 26, 2013, Araştırma Makale, (SCI)
Üçsular İ, Zor M, Sayman O, “The Influence of Distinct Fiber Arrangement on the Thermo-Mechanical  Behavior of Steel Fiber -Reinforced Thermoplastic Matrix Composites”, Composites Part B: Engineering An International Journal, 43B / 4 /1914-1918 /JUNE 2012, 2012, Araştırma Makale, SCI

International Papers

Ender Akan, M. Ali Güngör, Mehmet Zor,”Evaluating the effect of different cooling condition of ceramicrestorations on producing residual thermal stresses“, 12th Congress of the BASS, ISTANBUL, April 2007
Mehmet Ali Güngör, Elçin Eraydin Sagirkaya, Osman Çulha, Mehmet Zor, Celal Artunç,”Evaluating the bondstrength of opaque material on PFM alloys by scratch test method“, 12th Congress of the BASS, ÝSTANBUL, April 2007,
Artunç C., Sonugelen M., Aksoy S., Zor M.,”Açılı Oral İmplantların Alveol Kemiğinde Oluşturduğu Gerilim Değişimlerinin Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi”, KONAK, National Congress of Dentistry. İzmir, May 1993, 
Mehmet Zor, Sami Aksoy, Ayhan Meydan,”İmplant – Doðal Diş Köprü Baglantılı Alt Çenede Gerilme Analizi“, II. Ulusal Hesaplamalý Mekanik Konferansı, , II. National Congress of Biomechanics, TRABZON, Eylül 1996
Sami Aksoy, Mehmet Zor, Celal Artunç, Mehmet Sonugelen,”Dental İmplant Uygulanan Alt Çene Kemiginde Gerilme Analizi”, 6. National Machine Teory Congress,  TRABZON, Eylül 1993,
Mehmet Zor, Faruk Şen, Mümin Küçük, Sami Aksoy,”Residual stress distributions due to the cooling of the bone cement in femoral hip replacement“, GAP V. Engineering Congress, ŞANLIURFA, Nisan 2006, Bildiriler Kitabı 1. Cilt,141-147,
Yusuf Arman, Mehmet Zor, Sami Aksoy, M. Ali Güngör,”Kuron ve Köprü Uygulamalarýnda Fýrýnlama İşlemi Sonrasý Oluşan Gerilmeler“, IV. National Congress of Biomechanics, ERZURUM, Ekim 2008,
Tamer Yalçın, Mehmet Zor, Cesim Ataş, Birgül Özpınar,”Çene Ekleminde Çiğneme Kuvvetlerinin Neden Olduğu Gerilmelerin Analizi“, IV. National Congress of Biomechanics, ERZURUM, 2008.
Mehmet Zor, Hasan Çallıoğlu, Cesim Ataş,”Kalça kemiği kırıkklarında boyun bölgesi açısının gerilme dağılımına etkileri“, XIII. National Congress of Biomechanics, GAZİANTEP, Eylül 2003
Y Arman, F. Şen, M. Zor,”Kenarlarýndan basit mesnetlendirilmiş tabakalı kompozit plakların burkulma yükleri üzerine tabakalar arasında meydana gelen süreksizlik bölgesinin etkisi“, 11th International Materials Symposium-Proceedings, 649-654,

National Publications

Mehmet Sonugelen, Celal Artunç, Sami Aksoy, Mehmet Zor,”Açılı Oral İmplantların Alveol Kemiğinde Oluşturduğu Gerilme Değişimleri“, Ege Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 15:1-5/1994, (1994),
Mehmet Zor, “Kemik Çimentosu-Kemik :Yapısının Kırılma Mekaniği Açısından İncelenmesi” DEU Fen ve Muhendislik Dergisi 1-1, (1999)